Thursday, August 17, 2006


So, I'm in a hotel room in bumfuck-nowhere, Pennsylvania (New Columbia? yeah...). But this means I'm in Pittsburgh at CMU, tomorrow. Tomorrow.
This is pretty exciting, at least in my opinion. I mean, seriously...

I wrote way back in May that I was worried I'd just want to get back to school, and worried about floating through summer. I guess in that respect, Becket was a blessing. It always is, somehow. I think though, after this year, the magic has, for the most part, dissolved. I suppose 19 is an appropriate age for that to occur...but still...that's 6 summers. Quite a little chunk of time there.
There was a lot left on some hiatus at the end of last year...things that need to be resolved.

I still have a definite place to say I have no idea what the hell is going on. Hooray.

But tomorrow, that may indeed change. Or, if not tomorrow, at least by the time classes start.

Welcome to sophomore year. Counseling is to your left. The 20th story patio, on the right. Straight ahead, who the hell knows. Huzzah.

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