I kind of had a revelation as to why I blog, or at least why I have been.
When some kind of stress-inducing event occurs, my first instinct is to tell everyone. This made my childhood a bit easier because I told my parents everything. And in high school, I had a livejournal and wrote a lot of random shit. Kind of wish I had a copy of it, because random shit is sometimes fun to look back on, in a twisted way.
Anyhoo. Now, when some things happen within the fraternity, they stay within the fraternity. That's how it is. But when things both happen within the fraternity, and stress me out, as is wont to occur in some circumstances, my outlet is gone. I can't talk to anyone outside the situation. And that means that the stress and/or anxiety sits there with no outlet. I'm a little frustrated about this. And of course, I can't say anything about it. So it goes.
To cap it off, this weekend I also ran a very intense (and quite good) session. So, thinking both about where I'm going with it, as well as how to consider avoiding some mistakes I made, a lot is already in my head. Not to mention, I'm still doing schoolwork. Well, yay.
In other news, I'm addicted to The Movies. As I start to make my own movies, I can watch my free time evaporate. But it's cool. The whole house is under its spell, and some very funny and bizarre movies are floating around online due to my brothers (Joel, I'm looking at you...)