Thursday, January 29, 2009



On the heels of this, I kind of want to run a 'random' Cyberpunk game. Roll for role, straight dice for stats (either straight or assigned, depending on how cruel I am), and then use fast/dirty rules for inventory, and maybe also skills. No lifepath, instead, write a description of how the hell the character happened.

Damn, now I really want to do this. If I can make it streamlined enough...

OK. The campaign will be entitled 'Disposable Heroes', and character death may be extremely frequent. Now to go reacquaint myself with the fast/dirty generator.

Friday, January 23, 2009



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life is a process, and sometimes you just got to drop all the old shit like a bad dream and start kicking ass

So, I've been writing. I'm working slowly, but I have the direction of the story at least somewhat down. I've written maybe three pages (the fault of both no time and writing late at night), but in that time I've started to sketch out Lars. He's not in his final form yet, but his trademark phrase has come out, and I've started to hint at his past. Sky just showed up...though you wouldn't know it in the story (tee hee). And I really want to write this...that's the difference. This will be good, and I'm going to enjoy writing this. Finally. It's taken so fucking long.
My last entry was kind of a hint at this, so I titled it with a quote I plan on using in the story. I guess it's one way to take notes...I had started to write, and was on Blogger to announce it, and came up with the I just wrote it in the title box. It's kind of exemplary of Sky and Lars' relationship, being that Lars has a degree of self-doubt regarding why he does what he does, and Sky...doesn't. So I'm building Sky to be very blunt, like me, and Lars to have little idea of where the fuck his life is me. This will be very interesting. The title of this post is the justification Lars gives to Sky as to why he decided to uproot and start the job which begins the plot. So, another note I wanted. Both of these quotes will come up in the next few pages.

Monday, January 19, 2009

If you can't trust you, I won't either.

I've finally had enough of a creative boilover, I'm going to start writing a story. Watch this space.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


War on Tyranny

Obama is being inaugurated in less than a week. This video celebrates Bush's departure more than Obama's arrival, The music is by Cage, who is one of my favorite rappers, and the video, though not an official video for the song, is extremely well done. Enjoy.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Winter break in review

Break is over, I head back to Pittsburgh tomorrow. The timing is, in my opinion, perfect. I never got murderously bored here, and I'm absolutely ready to go back.

My original plan was to spend the break learning how to play the guitar. I spent about two days practicing on and off, and realized that I don't really like the guitar. I had way more fun playing my bass here, despite the severe neck warpage. That bass is, unfortunately, beyond saving, even after two weeks of massive torsion bar adjustments. If I want to continue playing, I'm going to have to suck it up and buy myself a decent instrument. In the meanwhile, I'm going to bring the cheap guitar back to Pittsburgh and sell it.

I had a new plan, which came to fruition at the very beginning of my first whole week home. After talking to my dad, I wanted to brew some beer. He wanted to brew again too, so you know what? We brewed some beer. Just bottled it this evening. It won't be ready for another 2-3 weeks, so I'll let you all know how that turned out when I finally get to taste it in March. I had a lot of fun brewing, enough so that it may be a hobby I pursue in the future. After startup costs, it works out to be a fairly economical way to provide yourself with high quality beer. At worst, it doesn't cost more than buying a case of something decent. And, there's some chemistry, biology, and a lot of cool shit going on. Just reading a book about all the different ways you can experiment got my mental juices flowing.

And, on top of all that, I actually left the house. Saw some friends, and saw some people I hadn't seen in a while. Met new people too. That's always fun. So, all in all, I'd call it a productive break. I didn't let a sinus infection get in my way, I did more than be a blob, and I got some skiing in. Now, I go back to my last semester at CMU. Wow. It is weird to say that.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009