Sunday, September 18, 2005

Session 1

The characters are travelling with a large ore caravan from the mining city of Dirg. After roughly a day of travel, the caravan is attacked by an unknown assailant, who did little more than rifle through papers. Riled by the theatrics of the day, the five eclectic characters meet around a fire and share war stories. Sorvel is a human rogue with a history of dislike for the rich and a very slight streak of pyromania. Darvian is a talented bard with people skills and a knack for travelling. Galstaff is a gnomish wizard who takes advantage of his small stature to stay unnoticed. Enkanthu is a half-orc ranger who is out from his tribe, exploring the world with nothing but his wits and his axe to keep him alive. And Adul, at over 7 feet tall, is a benevolent cleric whose kind nature is hidden by his massive body.
After a few nights of anxiety, the attackers show themselves, trying to kill a man with the caravan. Adul desperately tries to keep the severely injured man alive, while Darvian and Galstaff prevent the invisible assailant from escaping. Meanwhile, Enkanthu, after being attacked from behind, enlists the help of Sorvel to track down his attacker. After finding two barely human forms, Sorvel manages to take one down with a well-planted rapier in the face (doesn't that sound painful?). The surviving figure, shot by Enkanthu, plants two poison daggers in Sorvel's chest. Before anyone knows what's going on, three strange humanoids are dead, and two men are severely injured and on the verge of death. Both recover, and find out what's going on. The man who was attacked explains that he is a prince of a southern region, travelling in cognito on the caravan. The assassins, all wearing the same crest, were presumably sent to kill him, to prevent a possible attempt of diplomatic unification of northern and southern human factions. He asks the five adventurers to protect him for the remainder of the journey, and pays them handsomely up front. No one quite knows what else is in store for this motley crew...

This session was a lot of fun. Dan is good at this...I can't wait to see what else he has in store.
Sorvel is my character, and I will probably post a bio sometime soon.

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