Thursday, October 04, 2007

Post 300!

This is madness!
Madness? THIS...IS...BLOGSPOT!!!

Yeah, 300 posts. Woo.

So, I still have been having major RP ADD with regards to settings. I've had a bunch of ideas, but am still rapidly flitting from one idea to another with little regard for compatibility or continuity. After seeing the previews for GURPS High-Tech, I'm quite aware that a lot of fodder exists for a modern setting. I kind of want to do a modern setting with some fantasy or horror elements, but overall something pretty gritty. I've been able to narrow a bit onto my next bit of GMing, which will be an espionage PbP. That being said, I've been having a lot of ideas that I want to work into something new. I think for my next game, depending on what I want to do, I may limit it to four or five players, just choosing the first four/five that submit to me a character with the right depth of field that fits into the concept. Hopefully, no one will take it personally if I tell them a concept doesn't fit...and that wouldn't preclude them from participating, necessarily. Anyways, I'll probably get another journal and use it exclusively for fiction and RPG stuff. They sell quadrille journals, so that may be awesome. I can also use it to write down ideas during other games. Dan's game will start soon, and though my character concept isn't completely tacked down, I think the game will be pretty cool. Anyway, I'm going to go get that journal now, since I thought about it.