Saturday, March 29, 2008


In a funk. Funk funk funk funk...
Letting my hair grow out, and figuring I may as well see what it looks like if I grow a beard.
I've taken a long hiatus from the roleplaying game I was running, and coming back to it, I think it sucks.
The only things that have made me very happy in recent memory were Greek Sing and a 1966 Mustang.
I'm sexually dissatisfied, and fuck if I was going to admit that before.
I really need to get the hell out of Pittsburgh. I haven't left for more than a few weeks at a time since 2006.
I think my main motivation for getting decent grades is to get the hell out of Mechanical Engineering.

I either need to get over my current hump, or figure out what the hell I can change.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Greek Sing

So, last night was Greek Sing, the big thing we've been working on for months, losing sleep over, rehearsing 6-10 hours a week, that I had a decently sized lead role in.
Well, we won. We won the singles division. It was amazing. I was and pretty much still am ecstatic. Now, unfortunately, it's over, and it's time to find other things to work on, like buggy and all those pesky classes I seem to be taking.