Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A little update

Well, I've found several gamers here, but I don't know if we'll start doing anything yet. Also, the Activities Fair is tomorrow, which means I finally get to find someone from the Gaming club.
The little hangout we did Sunday night was cool, both because I learned something new and found out I am not alone. We did spend fair amounts of time bitching about our high school gaming groups...these guys had different issues than I, but as severe in many instances. It also seems that 3 out of the 5 or so people I've talked to have GMed significantly. This is good.
One guy, Jonathan, suggested an interesting idea for creating a campaign world. He found pictures, assumedly fantasy pictures, and composed a story and more detailed timeline behind the pictures, until he had enough locations and ideas to create a cohesive campaign. He said it worked really well, and I'd love to try something like that.
Things are looking good. I may end up playing D&D, but it's just as well.

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