Saturday, December 16, 2006

Writer's Block like whoa

So I had some cool ideas for a campaign...and they were cool. And they're still written down somewhere. But my desire to actually flesh them out is dwindling. I've been trying to figure out why I would actually have fun in this world, and reasons are escaping me. I'm just too reality-oriented right now. That, and thanks to Luther, I want to go back to Cyberpunk in some way. His campaign is crazy, and I finally feel like I'm playing a character with some depth.
I think in my next campaign, I want to return to GURPS, but make it a setting that's unique enough to warrant not using Interlock. This will require some major thinking and idea treading, but I think I can do it, given enough time. My last setting was interesting, but the setting itself was not that inherently creative, it merely had some flourishes to make it seem individual. It may be a good idea to play up the tech aspect of this world I have in still could be great, I'm just stuck at a high level of top-down writing, where I'm not doing the meaty stuff I really like.

Also, I go home on Wednesday. All I can think of is downhill skiing and driving El Celica (Celica comes from Spanish roots, look it up, you philistine). Very narrowminded right now.

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