Monday, November 05, 2007

The Way Things Work: Memory

I wrote a very long and bitchy post, and I really didn't need to. So I deleted it.

I guess what I figured out through all that ranting is that you have to accept that no matter how much time has past, no matter who you're with now, and no matter the previous circumstances, some people you will always care about. There will always be circumstances where you'll hear about their travails, and your first instinct will be to want to teleport over state lines and give them a big hug.

I feel very weird about this, mostly because of my current relationship. That being said, empathy is not cheating, and I should feel good about maintaining these friendships with people from home.

On a note that's much more honest to myself: (Damn hormones. Fucking sex drive. Grrrr. Fucking thinking with the lower brain...damn can't keep a single fucking thought in my head clean anymore)

Italics make everything better, seriously.

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