Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Scary Things

So, I said something scary to someone today. Well, scary for me.
"After this semester, I don't have anything left to learn in MechE."
I mean, not literally, but it is pretty true. I have a project course and a lab left, meaning no more brand new course material for MechE.
I'm getting really close, and it's scary.
Speaking of getting really close...
My last relationship ended by kind of fizzling. At some point, you're no longer, well, attracted to the other person, for lack of a better term. It happens. I've been in a funk before, and it happened a bit again, where I was thinking 'do you ever meet a person you don't grow tired of?'

The answer is unequivocally yes.
That being said, everything happens for a reason. It's foolhardy to expect that whatever reason you had before is just going to disappear. I'm thinking I should tread slower, and lighter.

Gaming kind of on hiatus while I finish out the semester. Don't know exactly what I'll do over the summer, I had an idea, I'm still playing around with doing something different. Still planning to run Ebmist next year, but I know I won't have the time or motivation to finish writing until summer.

In so many areas of life, I'm not going to commit to anything just yet.

1 comment:

Maria said...