Thursday, December 29, 2005

To apologize for my previous posts...

But more importantly, to tell you I can do something creative.
This is venting, both for the world breeding psychopaths (I can send you to some choice snippets from Livejournal, but I don't feel like losing readers to inexplicable emo), and for my high school gaming group being cads. The group I'm with now is pretty cool, and being exposed to all this "memory lane" high school shit helps me appreciate that.
Anyhoo. After some painful deliberation, I have decided that, unless my judgment of the hardcopy is different, I will not be buying Cyberpunk v3.0. Instead, I will purchase the GURPS basic set, either during the vacation or when I'm back at school (as scary as it is, Phantom of the Attic may be the best gaming shop I've set foot in, and I refuse to go to Danger Planet unless I know Jay won't be within 3 miles). I have, after some thought, decided to use my 3 city concepts (Nuevo Praha, Version City, and Astropolis), as well as a few of my plot ideas (Version City Mods, Syriana Intrigue and Oil Thirst, hell, maybe I'll bring back Cyberion and Prometheus for the hell of it) and make a unified world not based on either Gibson's or Pondsmith's ideas of Cyberpunk. I made the mistake of leaving my notebooks back in Pittsburgh, but I have my journal, so I'll start writing alternate history stuff and some outlines and shit. I'm afraid that a good amount of writing will take place after I buy sourcebooks, both because I think in game terms, and also, reading rules for an adaptable-setting system tends to give you some neat ideas. The world is not set in a lot of ways, so please, comment with things you think would be cool. I need coolness.

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