Thursday, November 02, 2006

Aaron's Top Five Metal Albums (of the moment)

In no real order:

Hellbilly Deluxe - Rob Zombie
It's catchy, hard, and brilliant.
Adultery - Dog Fashion Disco
This band falls under the genre auspices I like to call "Death Fusion". That alone is a reason to listen to it.
Pure Rock Fury - Clutch
The Elephant Riders - Clutch
Both of these albums are, in my opinion, Clutch at their finest. Headnodding, bluesy, hard-ass metal.
Senile Animal - The Melvins
Their newest, and crazy. Totally crazy, but still listenable and awesome.

Honorable Mention:
They aren't metal per se, but are great industrial rock. I recommend both "Scornocopia" from Oxidizer, and "Latex" from East Side Militia.
Terminal Choice did a cover of "I Ran" on their album New Born Enemies. Best/Worst industrial metal cover of an 80s pop song ever.

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