Monday, March 30, 2009

You just figured this out?

I don't have much time left.
So what should I do?
Should I put up with as much uncertainty as I am? I really don't know if it's worth it...and God only knows where I'm going to be when I get a job, so why would I be stupid enough to think anything would last past May? Then again...should I care if things are good now? Are things good now? I don't even know.
It's that time of the year, crisis time. I don't really feel like I'm doing anything worthwhile, and I don't exactly know how to change that...I think I need to lighten the fuck up, just a thought...
And at this point, I'm not dating anyone. Even if I think it feels different than that, it isn't. Not yet, at least. Though at this rate...

On top of all this, I'm still in school. I need to do laundry. I've run out of soap. And I may be bipolar sleep deprived and addicted to caffeine. Life is fun.

EDIT: Yeah, after a decent night of unconsciousness, I think my sleep schedule is to blame for aggravating otherwise normal mood swings. This'll be fun, I don't think it'll return to normal for another three weeks.

And as always, rant rant ranty rant rant rant. Serious this probably is not.

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