Saturday, August 25, 2007

I could have sworn I was going to say something useful

Actually, this is probably going to be really random.

Reread a bit from someone's livejournal. Instead of going into detail, I'll summarize.

This week has been Orientation. I've met some awesome freshmen (and hey, we even bid a couple), and I've been up all night every night ruining my sleep schedule. Lindsey has been away with her family, so it's been all AEPi, all the time.
Orie and I finished rearranging the furniture, so the room is now semi-livable. And hopefully we'll get all the crap out soon enough also.

I've been psychotically excited about this GURPS campaign, so it will be very good that actual class is happening next week. I'll get a nice prelude of how hard I'm going to be driven into the ground, and then the semester will start up in earnest.

I don't know why I felt like writing this, but lo and behold.

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