Saturday, November 15, 2008

Filling in Time

I have an hour right now, and I don't feel like doing work.

I've realized life will never boil down to a set of snappy sayings. That being said, it's important to take in all experiences that come to you, and use them to help form your understanding of you as a person.
I guess these are two things I try to live my life by: be open-minded, and fight for what you believe in.

On a completely different note, the correct answer to the question 'What should I do, Internet?', is 'Shut the fuck up and stop whining, nobody cares.' When you don't have a real person to talk to, your plea is worth nothing in the eyes of...well, no one. Oh well. This applies more to blog posts, on internet forums there is at least a specific group of people in the other end.

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