Sunday, February 12, 2006

GURPS: First Session

After a lengthy character creation session, and an hour where I needed to step out for other responsibilities, I was finally able to run my first session of GURPS. We had six players there, with one missing, so my group is getting a tad large now. I'm not sure how running seven people will go, but I'm willing to try it, even if I know this is an absolute maximum for me.
The six characters present were a young hacker, Samuel, and his elderly companion, Ishmael. In addition, there was Tomas, an eleven year old street urchin, Max, a paranoid zombie novelist, Serjan, an anarchist Serb with a penchant for guns and alcohol, and Mel, a girl who seems to be hiding something, though no one is quite sure what.
The six of them all ended up in a facebank, making deposits, or stealing the candy from the complementary bowls. Three suited men ended up having and argument with a teller, which degenerated into a firefight. After an initial panic and a briefcase of corporate schematics spilled, the bank emptied, leaving only them inside. With instructions on how to leave the bank unnoticed, all six were given instructions to meet up at a corporate office, after splitting up. The man they met with, one Mr. Henderson, got the documents back (though not after parting with a few new 50s in the case of Tomas), and told them to leave town, and never try to contact his corporation, Synergics, again. They headed out to Max's zombie-proof enclave in a slightly nicer suburb, where the plot thickened. Government agents showed up, headed off by two gang members trying to kill them, and Samuel was contacted by a man named Mark Fenton. It became clear that Fenton had a role to play in this when it was determined his company, Global Security Limited, hired the gang members, and was interested in what Synergics had in the blueprints. Serjan proposed heading Fenton off, and a plan was assembled.
Due to Sam calling Fenton in the middle of the night, accusing him of paying men to kill him, Fenton knew soemthing was up, and was escorted in his drive to work by a van with six armed guards trailing behind his car. After a hack into his ECU done by Sam, he was forced to pull over, and Serjan, Mel, and Ishmael headed to his car to find out what was going on. The guards headed them off, making for a tense situation in traffic. Mel "asked the guards nicely" to put their guns down, and when a few guards did, Fenton relented, and talked with Ishmael. The contents of the conversation went largely unheard, but after, Fenton and his men drove away. No one's quite sure of what's going on, but Ishmael seems to have an idea, and also seems to have a bit of a history with the two groups. What it is no one can really tell...
I loved running this session, and look forward to running more.

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