Friday, January 11, 2008

Israel: Day 5


Happy New Year!...Ugh. Four hours of sleep. Went to Kineret Cemetery, a beautiful place, and in essence, a monument to Zionism. After that, went to Tzippori, a town from the Roman period. Interesting. Spent a four hour drive sandwiched between two couples (karma is a bitch), then, ate some good shwarma. Got to a Bedouin village in the middle of the desert. Rode a camel (oh man, that was fun, or at least interesting). Staying in a Bedouin tent tonight, which will most definitely be one of the more interesting places I've spent the night. Now, I have a humza, which will make my necklace symmetrical again (or not).

By far one of my favorite nights of the trip. We walked out into the desert at night, we all sat around a fire, and we were deprived of sleep for the second night in a row. This was the point of no return, and we all knew it. More later!

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