Sunday, January 27, 2008

Woo, random

I want to apologize for trailing off on my Israel posts. They get less interesting, despite the sites getting more interesting. Therefore, I recommend you check out my photos on Facebook if you're actually interested, they're a lot cooler.
My semester has started, and it's crazy so far. Lots of stuff, lots of work, nothing unexpected. My classes are cool, and I'm still looking for a summer internship. Once again, nothing unexpected.

A bit of random, and next entry will probably be about roleplaying games, I promise. But if you know someone making the same mistake over and over again, what the hell do you do? I mean, no amount of telling someone does fuck all of anything. But yet...
Eh. Drama, drama. I know how long it takes for someone to figure it out. I'm just sick of watching people I care about fail to.

As I said, next time, RPGs. Watch this space, I'll be starting a campaign in the next couple weeks, it should be good.

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