Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Israel: Introduction and Day 1

I got back from Israel this morning.

I got back from one of the most amazing experiences of my life this morning.

I'm not going to try and start. So much happened, so many questions were answered, so many more were asked. Things are flying around my head, and I don't know what to make of it. At the very least, I have great memories, and lots of new friends, both halfway across the world, and also right next door in Pittsburgh.

Instead of trying to sum it up in one entry, I'll be intermittently posting the daily entries I made in my journal during the trip. Day one was very short:


Tired. Carsick. Meeting people, which is cool.

A combination of the plane ride and some food item made me sick at the beginning of the trip, but Thank God I didn't let it get the best of me. It took through day 2 to really get it out of my system, and I continued to be judicious about my digestive habits from then on out. The first day was us taking it all in. As you'll see later, I had no idea what was really in store yet.

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