Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Character Profile: Nori Takahashi

Nori Takahashi was my brother's first character, and for the year while I GMed my brother and his friends, the only one I could remember for the life of me. And that was only two years ago. This guy was the epitome of "Style over Substance". He was a Yakuza fixer with the Oddjob style suit and Bowler Hat (no hat blade, unfortunately), and a katana concealed in a cane. He was all about the style, the negotiations, the epithets before the much fun. He made the other party members come together, which helped a lot, considering how disjointed they were. In a kind of funny twist (only because my brother agreed to let me do it), Nori was made into nori in a drive by shooting at a sushi bar, done by the PCs trying to resuce him. Despite his death, I have resurrected Nori for bits of fiction. He may not have been the most well-developed character, but he was COOL. And that is what Cyberpunk is all about.

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