Saturday, June 03, 2006

Cyberpunk, one last time

I mentioned a few posts ago about having a spot of inspiration for the next game I'm running. I do kind of know where it's going, and have a whole variety of good ideas to get everyone into the fun. I'm not sure if it's going to end up being different, similar, too similar, or what have you. I've been kind of thinking back, and have thought of a few things that I didn't like about the last campaign:

Too Nondescript: I didn't brand things. I liked CP2020 because you had these great corporations with their agendas and other evilness, and I did that part pretty well by my watch. But there were other brands on weapons, the brands on cyberware were hazy. And worst, the NPCs. I came out of this with one friendly named NPC, Mark Fenton. The rest kind of faded. Admittedly, in my previous cyber campaign, I had so many named NPCs that my players would have to correct me if I got them mixed up, but it felt like it had more depth that way. I want to put more into the NPCs.
Not "Cyber" Enough: So, I had Sam. Sam, and the hacking. Serjan's stuff came in too little, too late. Part of it was the low point totals and me having no fucking clue how to do cyberware with the GURPS system. I'm still kind of trying to figure that out, and I may buy a supplement that would help me with that, so I can make it work. Or, I'll just peruse the books one more time and try to actually do it, rather than half-assing it.
Railroading: From my players' perspective, things were great, but I still thought I was providing more of the push forward. I liked my previous group where I didn't know where a session would end. Hopefully with more developed characters, that'll change.

Some of my problem is that I was half-assing the system more than I would have liked to admit. I don't know GURPS all too well, and that's one of the reasons I wanted to go back to CP2020. That being said, the system has too much potential for me to ignore. I'll need more exposure to do what I want as the power level goes up, but already I have characters that would have been impossible to do in the Interlock class system, as well as a few that would never have come through into the game in such a limited system. Hell, now that I think of it, with one, maybe two exceptions, none of the characters in the campaign would have come through with CP2020. So, when I go back, I'll crack the books again, and working with everyone, see if I can do a better job of actually running the system.

I don't know how many of my players actually read this, but I'll put out the open plea for suggestions and comments again. As much as I loved hearing how much everyone enjoyed themselves, it's not very helpful for making improvements. Not necessarily asking for criticism, just things you enjoy about RP that I could incorporate more into the second arc. I'll probably start something on Facebook regarding the second arc, as I've already started writing, and will write more as I have a feel for what people want.

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