Thursday, June 01, 2006

Utterly ridiculous flash of insight

I was reading Wikipedia, about transhumanism and technological singularity. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks: I know exactly what the next arc in my GURPS campaign will be about.
Like, exactly. The main conceit of the first arc was a combination of introducing the players to the world and the environment, and dealing with the issue of corporate power. The next one will be much more centered on technology, and also be a perfect continuation from where the last arc ended.
I need to figure out where to get everyone in, but so far everyone either has a direct in on the main line, or a powerful group with which I can integrate them. This could be really, really good.
I won't put the details here, but I'll just say I was reading a section on "ascended AI", and suddenly it hit me in the face exactly how that could work in the campaign.

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