Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Every once in a while, I know I'm deprived

So, who would be interested in a Roleplaying Blog?
Not this one, Stealthy/Pious is mine. But, there is no limit to the number of blogs I can run through my blogger account. So, I was thinking, what if I started an RPB, and got some people involved? I'd have to know who would be interested, and what system to run, among other things. The basic idea would be this:
The blog posts would be initially written by the GM, me in this case, describing the situation at hand in-game. Players would respond in two ways: publicly, by writing entries themselves, and privately, by e-mailing the GM. Most communication would be public, though there's always things not every player is going to know. If this does ever happen, I'll go over mechanics in more detail later.
I'm still determining how to do combat, however it'd be done it'd be simplified to speed up play. Just like in games I run in person, there is no clear-cut "entering combat" stage, you're either shooting, or you aren't.
The other alternative is doing a play-by-post game, though I have no idea where to host this. If someone would give me a provider who would host a forum with maybe two or three rooms, I'd consider it. Otherwise, this seems like a good idea.
It's just a thought. It's what happens when I want to RP, with no group around.
So, comment with thoughts, and system ideas. If asked, I can provide a list of systems I have books for.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Sounds cool! But my internet hours are kind of limited... and soon very limited. :/

So if we all needed to get on at the same time, I'm not sure if it would work too well. But I like the idea. It will help prevent me from going into RP-withdrawal over the summer! ^^