Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Anyone who has ever used the phrase "knowledge is power"...

is obviously scared shitless by the internet.

A little ways back, I used Technorati to trace to a blog that I, in theory, was not supposed to find. Me specifically, even. Now, it wasn't even really a big deal, and it gave me a chance to make amends with someone (again), so all in all, the public domain is not a terrible thing. People don't tend to say stupid things that much online anyway, and if they do, they're much easier to find. Anyone who has ever been on a forum will tell you this.
So, this time, I did no finding, I just had it found by someone happens, my curiosity was piqued, so I checked back.

Essentially, I found half an answer. But half is enough, really.

I'm not going to go into anymore detail, but it satisfies me to know that without any major programming experience, lots of information can be found on the internet.

That being said, my next step has little to do with any information I have immediately available, but that's my own damn fault.

Yes, yes...I don't know when the other half of my gaming group is returning to school. It is terribly bothersome.

In the meanwhile, I can ask the people who are here about some ideas as to what they're looking for...I don't have writer's block right now, I just don't know which lead to follow for the group right now.

If anyone has a crazy idea too good to pass up, let me know. Just something to get the juices flowing.

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