Sunday, August 20, 2006

Spare me

OK. The moment you've all been waiting for.
I'm going to go back to the topics this blog was intended for: Writing and Role-Playing.
In returning to school, I've gotten the definite vibe that things which I had tried to make work will, as usual, not work. People can be fickle, and stuff can happen.
But you know what? This will continue to happen, and me complaining about it will do nothing. So I'm going back to writing about things that interest me, because frankly, I'd like to run about 3 more games than I have time for this year, with all the ideas I have.

I have at least one story I'd like to continue on, if not finish, and a whole bunch of other things as well.

I will leave my neurotic stage behind with this:
Nothing works out the way you want it to, but if you roll with it and make the best of the situation, the outcome will be better than you could have imagined. That goes equally for real life, writing, and running role-playing games. Take it into mind, because it is useful.

One more thing.
I have not decided what setting, or even what system I'm going to use this year. I have, however, decided this: I would like my players to create new characters. Due to some issues with people returning (or not) this year, I'm going to say we may as well start from the top. The thing that makes a group special is the dynamic, and once that dynamic is disrupted, even slightly, the reasoning behind keeping parts of it makes less sense to me. Plus, I love the novelty of new characters, and I think that we could create a very interesting group if we planned out what the campaign is going to look like beforehand, instead of doing the mishmash situation.
To elaborate: I am going to construct a party with my players, rather than have them just meet at the beginning of the game. My hope is to create a party backstory, rather than a bunch of individual backstories, and have everyone fit in somewhere. So, players, if you're reading this, comment with some ideas, or yell at me as to why this is a horrible idea. Also, if you could (other readers, feel free to contribute your opinions on this part too), give me an idea which one of these you'd rather play:

Space Opera setting
Cyberpunk setting (one we played in last year)
Steampunk/Fantasy setting
Cyberpunk 2020 (Tri-City Setting, slight expansion of the core book's Night City setting)
D&D (had to ask)
Other (Shadowrun, White Wolf, Paranoia...willing to try any, if someone can get me books)

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