Friday, September 08, 2006

Let me tell you a little sweet something about "The Cards"

Quick note: I am sleep-deprived. Again. Because Rush is happening. And going very well. Which saps at my health, because I stay up late. Again. Just as an advance warning.

And now, on to the purpose of this ditty.

Events unfold in life in such a way that you could neither plan for them, nor would you want to. It all happens in a way which is equally comforting and terrifying, and equally blissful and agonizing, simply due to the way "the cards" are dealt. Now, I will continue in the spirit of beating to death a metaphor when someone uses it in a way I don't like.
"The cards" dealt in life are, quite simply, never going to make a full hand. There is no turn or river, a good deal of people are fucking lucky to get a flop. To deobfuscate that slightly, most of the opportunities you wish you had, you absolutely never will.
So that being said, I've been dealt a straight flush. The power of institutional legitimacy (obtuse metaphor for college education), the ability to pursue my dream, and the actual hope of financial independence by 25 or so are things most people never get the chance to have, as much as many try to delude themselves. I am among a lucky, lucky few.
Everything else, all those details and somethings, are just that. I need to do a much better job at ignoring them, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be able to. Turn to the future, turn too slow. Turn to the past, you're the bad guy again. Not somewhere I'd go back.
I'm not single-minded enough for this...I'm unable to just set my blinders on and sit in my little academic dreamworld, with force diagrams and line drawings of camshafts and rocker arms flying through my sedate head. There are other people here, and it's turning into one discouragement after another. Nothing's wrong, per se...but that's even worse, because there's nothing to correct.
If you take a look at your life, and at everything you have right now, chances are, by the time you're out of college, it's all gone, and replaced with something completely different. And that's how it's supposed to be.
Too much stress on bullshit. I need to cut back on the caffeine.

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