Monday, September 11, 2006

The one you've all been waiting for

So, I'm thinking about this 2020 jazz. I now have an idea to start: and a setting:

Centropolis makes Night City look downright independent. The city was founded in 2016 by a cooperative of Petrochem, Militech, MA&F, and EBM. It is very corporate, indeed, and formed on a grid very similar to Chicago’s. Centropolis redistributes displaced populations from the fallen cities of St.Louis, Minneapolis, and Indianapolis, and the large refugee influx became very hard to control. Indeed, Centropolis still has more sheen than Night City, but the tarnish that has now covered it is hard to ignore. The hard-nosed corporate controlled schooling and police keep the place unnaturally quiet, but the incidents have been creeping up steadily. There are cameras mounted all over, and as they got torn down, police got better at concealing them and armoring them. Some cameras conceal terminals where automatic weapons fire will cover a swath within the camera’s viewing angle, but these only exist on private property, or at least that's what they say. Due to the massive prevalence of electronic security, there are large cadres of people who go about their daily business, legitimate or not, wearing ski masks, just so the cameras can’t ID them.

At this point, I want to start mapping out in detail a few places...A Petrochem office or two, their helipad, the Petrochem Place subway station, some apartments, and some other locations as they come up. To clarify upon a previous inquiry, this setting will have room for any sort of character type. I'm building it from the ground up, and whatever situations occur, they will influence how the city is built outward. This also has a very important implication I want to make clear.

The first session will involve, within the first hour or so, a very obvious hook that will be dangled in front of the players. I mean, brutally so. From there on out, it's hands off. I have a story planned, but each player's role in it can differ. I expect each person to have their own agendas. I expect it to get interesting. I will not punish any in-character behavior, save that which is aberrant (as in, not actually in-character). We're all grown-ups now, so I am not holding anyone to the "teamwork all for one" standards of D&D style roleplaying. That being said, we are grown-ups, and PKing or backstabbing for the fun of it does not make it fun for everyone else. Also, I have ways to be mean beyond your wildest nightmares.

Anyone having played 2020, or even perused the setting knows there are lots of toys for killing with abandon. There is lots to be bought with ludicrous amounts of money, and lots of ways to earn it. This system is, despite what you may think, still designed after predictions of the real world, albeit crazily nihilistic ones. I expect this campaign to be mixed-media...still very story and drama influenced, but with flexibility to allow for some kickassery when necessary (especially at the beginning). Comment, email me...tell me something. I want to know what you all think of this.

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