Monday, September 18, 2006


We ran on Sunday. I had the plan for the intro, and modified it because some people were late. We never actually got to my planned intro...I threw something to make the interim interesting, and now I have two or three really chunky plotlines to look at. One is totally out there, one is lifted straight from a corpbook, and oh yeah, the original plot I had in mind. I don't know why Cyberpunk as a setting makes it that much easier for me to roll and improvise, but it feels like I got my groove back, which is so fucking cool. This week is almost as crazy as rush was, with the TOC and all, but I'll hopefully find some time to write later. Unfortunately, the earliest I really have available is Thursday...before that, my free time is going pretty much exclusively to homework, to make up for the lost time spent tonight and tomorrow with the TOC. I'm not sure how far in advance I need, but at least I know if I'm caught off-guard, I can roll with it. Eventually, it'll become very convoluted and somehow involve every single character in some sordid and highly unlikely conspiracy theory. THAT'D BE SO COOL. But yeah. TOC. Tomorrow = Crazy.

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