Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Courtesy of Technorati, I am an Internet Spy

I think I said at one point that I wouldn't do rants in this I won't start. I'll just say this. I have now seen the ills of long-distance relationships from a personal perspective, and from the perspective of a witness in several cases (3, 4, more maybe). The ones that ended happily, ended the same way. With the relationship ending. That's how life is, especially at college, where work is your life. Very few people have the emotional fortitude to keep it up, and I am not one of those people.
Now, the reason this justifies being in this blog, instead of cooped up somewhere else on the internet. Blogger, our fine WBSP (weblog service provider) is, like livejournal, yahoo, and dmoz, associated with probably one of the awesomest search engines in the history of ever: Technorati. Technorati does tag listings of weblogs from many providers, and also from people who put the code in themselves to be listed. Readers have found me from technorati (usually by searching cyberpunk, at least that's how it used to be), and I enjoy being listed, because this blog at least tries to be content people are interested in. Now...this does mean that if I know one word or phrase that will show up in your blog a lot, I will find you. BECAUSE I AM TEH 1337 H4X0R. Well, no. I just thought that would be amusing.

It is very presumptuous, though, to think that a guy at one of the best CS schools in the country, nigh, the world, wouldn't be able to find something online. Even if I'm a lowly MechE. (*snicker*)

The moral of the story...don't write about people if you don't expect them to see it. Because they will. And then they will change their opinion of you to believe that you're a self-centered drama queen with no bearing on reality.

So, big brother is watching you. And, Technorati is giving me the address to your blog. Muwahahaha...

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