Friday, May 26, 2006

The Concert

OK, just got back from the show. A synopsis of the three acts:

Apollo Sunshine: Meh. Didn't even stick around, got food instead. Cheery indie whatever. I didn't care.
Atmosphere: He's good. I recognized two of the songs he did in the set, and my foot was tapping along. He could hold the audience, but didn't compare to...
Matisyahu: Holy shit, this was probably the best live set I have ever seen. I have not seen too many live shows, so that may not be saying much, but damn, it was sick. We were jumping up and down and shouting out all the words we knew and dancing in the fucking aisles through the whole set, into and through a searing encore of 'Heights'. 'King Without A Crown' was spectacular, starting a capella and real slow, and then after one verse of a capella, everybody came in full force, and the crowd went absolutely nuts. Everyone was on their feet the whole set, and how could you not be?
I won't be able to listen to any of my Matisyahu for weeks, because it was just that much better live. I won't be able to listen to any music for a few days because my ears are so shot. Hell, I probably won't even be able to talk tomorrow. And it was so worth it. I could care less I was in row Q, or wherever I ended up by the end, up by the booth in the front of the section. I heard what I needed to hear, was on my feet the whole time, dancing like I never wanted the night to end because hell, I didn't. Absolutely amazing.

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