Saturday, May 06, 2006

It's been a long time since I've done one of these, but...

I had a very weird dream last night.
Well, it wasn't all weird, some made perfect sense. But...
For some reason or another, AEPi had relocated to my house (yes, my house in Massachusetts, I don't know why), and we were preparing to move stuff into storage. I had to drive across in the state in under 45 minutes to get the rest of my stuff, using either my mom's van, or an electric wheelchair. I actually chose the electirc wheelchair first, then kind of realized the mistake inherent in that.
There were other things too, that I either don't remember or won't get into here due to a very high degree of...relevance.
I'm not sure in what direction my mind is flipping out. It is flipping out, as usual, but after figuring out that, given a bit of a wig-out (don't we love those?), I'm still going in the same direction. It is a very likable direction, if I could keep my shit together. Speaking of keeping shit together...
Classes are over! It's pretty fucking cool. Now, if I could somehow find the meaning of true happiness in the next week, my school year will be complete.

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