Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Things are looking up

So, I'm waiting to receive proof of insurance for the Celica in the mail, so we can then traipse down to the RMV to get the plates and get it reregistered. Then, I can get the clutch and timing belt done, and have my car for the summer. I'm going to call this guy for an estimate on the work sometime...but I don't feel like doing it now.
I'm going in tomorrow to see about this whole job thing...I'll fill in the registration form today, as soon as I can get it printed off. Found out I can type at 60 words per minute, which is pretty damn cool.
Actually have stuff to do the rest of the week, which is nice. Job thing tomorrow, Concert thing with Zach on Thursday, then potential party thing Friday night. And if I actually start working next week, it'll be perfect.
Guess I'm around this weekend, if anyone's interested. Give me a call. A call, not a text, because a text I'll probably ignore, unless I'm not doing anything at the exact instant I receive it.

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