Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This is weird

It looks like Stealthy/Pious is well on its way to getting 200 hits in a month. That may not be a lot, but considering that all I do here is post my long-winded stories, bitch about my love life, and occasionally talk about roleplaying and science fiction, that is a huge number. I mean, that's almost 7 people a day coming to read my self-absorbed tripe. I, quite frankly, am impressed. I mean, there aren't even any photos or interesting things here. But yet, the people who visit keep on increasing. So, I will offer a few tidbits of advice because, frankly, I can:
1. Do things you never thought you'd ever do in hell: Like join a fraternity! I scoffed at it, I didn't consider it, I even looked at schools for their lack of greek life...then I joined a frat and still think it's the best decision I ever made. Just goes to show you. Try something new.
2. Eventually, somewhere along the way, you will destroy someone's soul. It's an unfortunate fact of life, because humans have a tendency to fuck up. Accept it. Maybe if you realize it instead of trying to tell yourself that you didn't do anything wrong, then you're going to make at least a half-hearted recovery. Or maybe you just had a lot of fun doing it, and you don't feel like apologizing. Either way, don't lie to yourself when you make mistakes.
3. And this is important: Always have projects. Always have something that, in the end, you can call yours and be proud of. Having projects in life is a way to have something to give you guidance when all of those stressful and not-fun things like class and work weigh down on you. And you'll meet weird and wonderful people who are just as obsessed with 1960s shortframe Vespa Scooters as you are.
4. To tie it all off: Get the fuck out there. Never turn down a chance to go out and just be, whether with one other person or one dozen. You won't know you unless you can go be yourself around other people. People are what make you a person yourself.
That was random. I guess I thought those people out there who actually read this should have something at least semi-worth reading. And for those of you who actually thought this was a gaming blog, settle down. I'll be playing again in August or September, so you have a whole summer of non-gaming crap to read through. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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